Jacques Vandeuren has been a lawyer at the Brussels Bar since August 2006. He is passionate about criminal law and focuses on criminal liability in a corporate context. He assists clients throughout criminal proceedings and also provides (preventive) advice on avoiding, if not managing, criminal risks. He takes the defence of offenders and victims to heart. Jacques combines smooth, transparent and honest communication with thoroughness, empathy and completeness.
Jacques was a practice assistant in criminal procedure at KULeuven from September 2010 to September 2016. Meanwhile, he regularly acts as a guest speaker on topics related to his practice. For instance, as a lecturer at the Flemish Institute for Real Estate Education (VIVO), he provides lecture series on Anti-Money Laundering regulations and criminal liability of real estate agents. He is also the author of several legal and other contributions in his field.
Jacques is also President of the Criminal Law Section of the Dutch-speaking Brussels Bar Association (NOAB) and a member of the Criminal Law Committee of the Order of Flemish Bars (OVB).
Finally, Jacques holds the certificate ‘Special Training in Cassation Proceedings in Criminal Matters’ and frequently handles cases before the Court of Cassation in Criminal Matters.
Catholic University of Leuven, KUL (Licentiate in law)
Master in criminal law and criminal sciences – Université de Poitiers (France)
Dutch, French and English
- J. VANDEUREN, ‘Artikel 67ter Wegverkeerswet en het vermoeden van onschuld’, T.Strafr. 2022, afl. 10
- J. VANDEUREN, ‘De meldingsplicht van de notaris”, Notarieel en Fiscaal Maandblad, 2022, nr.4
- J. VANDEUREN, “Aantasting van de regelmatigheid van een verwijzingsbeschikking”, T.Strafr. 2022, afl. 2, 92-95
- J. VANDEUREN, “De strafrechtelijke verantwoordelijkheid van de notaris”, T.Not. 2021, afl. 6, 513-553
- J. VANDEUREN, “Het bewijs van kennisname van de betekening van een verstekvonnis en de naleving van de informatieplicht”, T.Strafr. 2021, afl. 6, 375-380
- J. VANDEUREN, Niet-ontvankelijkheid gezamenlijke Franchimont-verzoekschriften: logica zelve of overdreven formalisme?, RABG 2021, afl. 11, 1032-1038
- P. WAETERINCKX , en J. VANDEUREN , ‘Het fenomeen van fiscaal strafrecht en enkele relevante delicten’ in MARK DELANOTE, YVES JORENS, MICHEL MAUS, MICHEL ROZIE, KRISTOF SALOMEZ, PHILIP TRAEST (EDS.), Fiscaal en Sociaal Strafrecht – Wegwijzer doorheen het labyrint, Story, 2021, p. 29-74
- J. VANDEUREN, ‘De strafrechtelijke verantwoordelijkheid van de notaris’, T.Not. 2021, afl. 6, 513-553
- J. VANDEUREN, Niet elk (btw-)voordeel levert een vermogensvoordeel op in de zin van artikel 42, 3°, Sw., T.Strafr. 2021, afl. 2, 92-95
- J. VANDEUREN, “Oud” artikel 5, lid 2, Sw.: hoedanigheid van de geïdentificeerde natuurlijke persoon?, R.D.C.-T.B.H., 2020/8, p. 1068-1069
- A. BAILLEUX, J. HUYSMANS, J. VANDEUREN, “Overzicht van enkele recente wijzigingen in het straf- en strafprocesrecht”, Vigiles 2016, afl. 4, 137-179
- A. BAILLEUX, J. HUYSMANS, J. VANDEUREN, “Overzicht van enkele recente wijzigingen in het straf- en strafprocesrecht”, Vigiles 2015, afl 2 – 3, 61 – 80
- J. VANDEUREN, “Hof van beroep Gent verduidelijkt criteria ter beoordeling van laattijdige inverdenkingstelling”, NC 2013, afl. 6, 463-468.
- J. VANDEUREN, “De rol van het slachtoffer in de strafprocedure: is de grens bereikt?”, Nieuwsbrief Suggnomè 2012, afl. 1/112, 18-2.
- J. VANDEUREN, “Aanvang van de proeftijd: behoefte aan duidelijkheid”, RW 2010-11, afl. 41, 1723-1725
- May 2024: Study afternoon BIV 360° Anti-Money Laundering
- March 2024: Webinar NCOI: Treatment of cryptoassets on financial law, consumer law and criminal law (together with Jonas Helaut)
- March 2024: Webinar LEXDURA: “Actualia criminal procedure” (together with Joost Huysmans)
- November 2023 : Guest speaker at Logistics Safe & Secure study day in Antwerp : “Tackling drug crime and regulation”
- October 2023: Webinar NCOI: “Actualia criminal procedure” (together with Joost Huysmans)
- March-November 2023 : VIVO class series : “Anti-money laundering through the lens of the real estate sector”
- May 2023 : Webinar PROTECT : “Architect’s criminal vs civil liability”
- November 2022 : Webinar NCOI – M&D Seminars : “15 Years of indemnity for the procedure in Criminal Cases”
- October 2022 : Webinar Die Keure : “Money laundering from a notarial point of view”
- May 2022 : Guest lecture UAntwerpen : “Tax regularisation in a criminal law context, anno 2022 “
- May 2022 : Guest lecture UGent : “Tax regularisation in a criminal law context, anno 2022 “
- March 2022 : Webinar UAntwerpen : “Criminal and Business Law”
- June 2021 : guest lecture at UAntwerpen : “Tax regularisation in a criminal law context “
- June 2021 : training MARSH : “Corporate criminal law and liability”
- April 2020: guest lecture UAntwerpen: “Tax regularisation in a criminal law context”.
- November 2020: webinar DIE KEURE: “Criminal responsibility tailored to the notarial profession”.
- February 2020: presentation to CNA Hardy : “Driver criminal responsibility and D&O coverage”
- February 2020: seminar for RACINE Lawyers: “Money laundering: criminal risks for lawyers”.
- January 2020: webinar LEXALERT : “The amicable settlement in criminal cases (the “Settlement Act”) and criminal mediation: finally in the lee?”
- October 2019: presentation BJB Brussels (criminal section): “Criminal liability of legal person”
- September 2019: STORY PUBLISHERS tax and social criminal law training cycle : “The phenomenon of tax fraud and the offence definition”
- June 2019: LEGAL NEWS seminar : “money laundering and fiscal criminal law anno 2019”
- 2019: LEXALERT webinar : “Criminal responsibility of legal person and executives”
- 2018: IBR (Institute of Company Auditors) training – “Criminal risks for company auditors and accountants”
- 2016: seminar International CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Milano : “Agency agreements and distribution agreements: peculiarities and differences; advantages and disadvantages; references to the European rules on competition”.
- 2015: seminar CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Torino : “Exclusivity and sole commercial rights in agency and distribution contracts”.
- 2015: confocus seminar in Ghent and Hasselt : “Traffic law anno 2015: Measures relating to vehicles”.
- 2014: NOAB seminar : “Duty to identify the legal entity-titular holder of the license plate (article 67ter of the WvW.): a state of affairs”.